Setting up the Abstract

At this point you have to decide whether or not you want to include the abstract on the titlepage. If you wish to do so this is the time to type
. This will cause TEX to typeset the word ABSTRACT in the center of the next line of text, skip the appropriate amount of space and set you up in a new paragraph. The next thing you do is type in the body of the abstract. If you don't put the abstract on the titlepage then you carry out this sequence of commands after you have finished the titlepage with the command
. After you type in the abstract on the second page you should force TEX to print this as a separate page by once again typing
. This will produce an abstract on its own page with white space above and below the text.

If you are in the situation of having an abstract which is too long for the title page but too short to fill the entire second page you will get ugly output if you type it in and follow it with the command
. TEX will simply shove everything to the top of the page because
is the same as
. The way to force TEX to center the title and material is to type

text of abstract